About the report
We are pleased to present our first Integrated Annual Report. The report aims to provide stakeholders with a comprehensive understanding of Crompton’s financial and non-financial disclosures, including information on leadership, culture and strategy. It also highlights how the Company creates value for its stakeholders and the importance of responsible business practices in achieving its goals.
Integrated thinking
At the core of Crompton’s business operations is a commitment to integrated and sustainable thinking, which shows a responsible pathway to value creation. Crompton’s 5-dimensional growth strategy help us in managing our resources and relationships to create long-term value. We have adhered to the International Integrated Reporting Council framework to assess the six (6) capitals and determine the content and structure of the report. This reporting approach helps us in attaining multi-stakeholder objectives.
This Integrated Annual Report covers the reporting period from April 1, 2022 to March 31, 2023 and offers a comprehensive view of Crompton’s operations and business development activities. It highlights the environmental, economic and social performance of the Company during the F.Y. 2022-23. Integrated Annual Report encompasses all business operations of CGCEL and provides disclosures on the six (6) capitals as defined by the International Integrated Reporting Council (“IIRC”). The report outlines the Company’s business model, significant risks and opportunities, as well as overall performance and related outcomes for the reporting period.
Our Capitals
Financial capita
Manufactured capital
Intellectual capital
Human capital
Social and relationship capital
Natural capital
Reporting frameworks
The report has been prepared by incorporating the principles recommended by the IIRC and referencing the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) Standards, 2016 for reporting non-financial performance. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are mapped to the key performance indicators (KPIs), ensuring that our reporting is both comprehensive and aligned with global sustainability targets.
This report also aligns with the following:
- The Companies Act, 2013
- Indian Accounting Standards
- The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015
- Secretarial Standards issued by the Institute of Company Secretaries of India
The management has conducted a thorough examination of the information and statements provided in the Annual Report to maintain their accuracy and reliability. This review process was undertaken to ensure that all the facts and qualitative information contained within the report were presented in an unbiased and transparent manner. We have engaged BDO India LLP to provide assurance for the non-financial disclosures in the Integrated Annual Report and Business Responsibility and Sustainability (BRSR) Reporting. The assurance was conducted in line with the requirements of the AA1000 AS v3 (2020) Type 2 assurance. The level of assurance applied was moderate.
Stakeholder feedback
The active involvement and valuable feedback of stakeholders are highly encouraged and valued by the organisation. The management recognises that stakeholders’ insights and perspectives are essential for the successful implementation of its policies and programmes. As such, the organisation welcomes constructive criticism and suggestions from its stakeholders to improve its operations and achieve its goals effectively. The organisation values stakeholder engagement and considers it an integral part of its commitment to transparency, accountability and continuous improvement.
Email: crompton.investorrelations@crompton.co.in